Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 14, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 15-19
This review article delves into the intricate landscape of dental care for medically compromised patients, offering a comprehensive exploration of challenges faced by both clinicians and patients in this specialized realm. As the prevalence of chronic medical conditions continues to rise, the intersection between systemic health and oral well-being becomes increasingly significant. This review synthesizes current literature to provide a thorough analysis of the multifaceted issues encountered when treating individuals with complex medical histories. It navigates through the challenges faced by dental practitioners in diagnosis, treatment planning, and execution of dental procedures in medically compromised individuals. It addresses the intricacies of medication management, anaesthesia considerations, and the potential complications associated with common dental interventions. Special attention is given to the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between dental and medical professionals in optimizing patient outcomes.
Keywords: Dental care, Medically compromised, Patients, Treatment Introduction
How to cite : Pasha Z, Rajendiran S, Parappattu N, Shenoy S, Kale P P, Navigating challenges in dental care for medically compromised patients. Arch Dent Res 2024;14(1):15-19
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Received : 16-04-2024
Accepted : 30-05-2024
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